Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Something Strange!!

Since yesterday, I am feeling something strange, I don't know for what reason.. But I have never felt this before!!

I feel as if I am standing in the middle of the crowd and people around me are in hurry.. Just rushing around.. They all are just too busy to look at you, to ask you how are you doing.. Someone is coming and telling you something.. someone is coming and is asking for help.. I am overhearing some talks... But at the end of the day I am there all alone..

I don't know how many have faced this.. But it's a different feeling where you are detached from everything and everyone.. Sometimes you like the isolation but sometimes you hate being not with everyone!!


Prashanth said...

I have had this feeling sometimes.. Its pleasant for a short while then one starts to feel depressed. The best way I found to break such feelings is physical activity.. A long walk, a short jog , swimming anything helps..

Saumi said...

i would definitely try it out. I want to come out of this vicious loop..