Sunday, January 11, 2009


Many a times we know what is the truth but don't want to face it.. Why?? What stops us from facing that truth of which we are so scared of???

May be it's the acceptance of the truth.. We don't want to accept what we are thinking will actually happen and we don't even do what-if analysis of the same as we don't want to face it... Well, to be true, it is applicable for my case!!

I know whats the truth and I know that it had to happen one day.. But that day will be today I didn't know and yes, I was not prepared for it. So, what do I do when I listens to it and when I face it..

Hmmm.. First Option: Maybe talk to friend.. so I start searching for my friend with whom I can talk.. Search began at afternoon within few mins and ended after hours as someone is busy with something and someone is too happy about something and I don't want to make them part of my sadness... Second Option: Cry and think over it.. Well, I don't want to cry about it as this was expected and if I will cry I will become more weak.. Third Option: Forget that something like that happened.. Naah.. if it was too easy to forget then why I would have cared about it.. Fourth: Accept the truth and party.. Yes, that's what I did..

I accepted the truth that love doesnt mean getting all the happiness you ever desired but it also means sacrifice to see your love happy forever and I wished him luck and partied whole night!!!!

Today I have learnt one more thing, to accept anything in your life, I need one thing and that is happiness within myself and yes,I have found it... :)


Fake Rahul said...

Sacrifice truly means ‘to make sacred’. By giving up something you really want, you are instead only hurting yourself; you are not making any relationship sacred! Even though you may give something up for someone, it is not sacrifice unless you are truly happy inside and without resentment. Anything short of this is truly superficial. Its only after you learn how to truly love yourself, making sacrifices becomes so much easier and accurate to its definition. Let me explain.
Sacrifice is never about giving up happiness but gaining even more happiness for yourself by making others happy. When you unconditionally love others, seeing them happy is what truly makes you happy. If they find happiness in what you have and you truly love them, giving it to them is really easy when you know that your happiness comes from within you and no where else. Sacrifices becomes very simple and no different than a side effect of true love.

hope you know what you are doing.. i could have explained much better of there were less someone and somethings in ur post..

appreciate ur post.. waitin for next

Saumi said...

that's what i said.. i m happy now even after sacrificing and i have learnt how to handle it..