Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year Resolution...

It's a new year.. it's a new starting.. everyone wishes the year to be filled with happiness and love and most of us decide to have a new year resolution..

Well, what I don't understand is why do people take resolution??? I tried taking resolution once or twice but by the end of the month, I forgot what it was all about!!

What's so big about it anyways!!! What I think is that resolution can be taken any time of the year.. We should not wait for new year to mark a beginning.. It is never too late to begin anything.. It's just that you should have that zeal and enthusiasm in you to continue on what you want to do..

Mark a beginning any time you think you should.. One should not wait for new year to take a resolution and work on it.. Just like new year brings an enthusiasm and energy, every day is also marked by rising sun... Be the one to rise everyday and follow your dreams then waiting for something to make you think what actually you want to do!!

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