Sunday, March 30, 2008

Love Lost.....

One of our greatest fears is that of losing someone we love. This fear plagues us from our childhood and continues to do so all through adulthood. We usually forget that the person who loves us will be there no matter what happens.
But after sometime, the feeling of love starts fading away. The question is where the love’s gone. Nobody knows it. Maybe they’ve been spending too much time together and finally have started to bore each other. Maybe he has stopped telling her about his love and she has stopped feeling it. Maybe time has made the illusions disappear and the reality has turned to be not what they both expected. Maybe there was only passion and after it’s gone nothing has left. There can be plenty of those maybes. Every misfortune has it’s own face. It may even be that nothing is over but people need to take a little rest one from the other or try to diversify their relationships. In fact when each one of a couple is willing to fight to make love stay they’ll find the way to do it.
Sometimes (and it specially refers to women) a man looses his interest to a woman because she has given up her job, interests, friends and etc. in order to become the part of his life, to be everything he needs. He doesn’t have to conquer her no more, she has stopped being a personality with her own life that he had once fallen in love with. If fact this is one of the general mistakes people do. They get too comfortable and stop fighting for each others love. And than when a partner starts packing bags they wonder where did I go wrong.
So before you feel that love is lost in your relationship, bring flowers for her someday, surprise her by calling her at odd times, by giving her a wink. Tell him that he means a lot to you. Guys also need to be pampered. I think love is never lost. With time, it matures and asks you to do what her/his heart is saying.