Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's time to make new memories!!!!

Many a times, we remember old days and laugh on it, smile on those good old days... but there are also some days which were good and now those memories bring tears in your eyes.. Isn't it?

I guess most of us have our own story for the same and sometimes we want to recall those days and sometimes not, but ultimately it all ends in the same way.. tears.. yes by crying or by introspecting.. Either ways I think we hurt ourselves by allowing nobody else but oneself to hurt himself/herself again. Is this correct?

No, it is not. Instead of thinking about the times which bring tears why can't we make new memories that can bring a warm smile on ours as well as our friends face. Why can't we do something that can make others smile or can make someone elses day? Of course we can, it's just we need to go and try it out and I am sure this will not be that difficult. After all memories are meant to make you smile when you look back not to ruin your future by thinking about past!

Make new memory everyday, make someone smile, make someone's day!! Theres no bigger happiness than to see our own friends, family and our heart smile! Cheers to life!!!


Unknown said...

as someone rightly said..
the best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up someone else :)

Jinesshh said...

I agree with you...

Nishant Gupta said...

The post could not be any closer to reality....